Missy is 80, but acts like she’s 30. Lately however, she slowed down, and complained of chest pains while walking a block or two. Much to everyone’s surprise, an angiogram showed severe coronary artery disease, and she underwent successful bypass surgery.
Her chest pains resolved, but months later, her stamina was not up to par. Simple blood tests revealed severe anemia and other abnormalities. She complained of abdominal pains, so we quickly got her to see a GI doctor. A colonoscopy revealed a tumor, and she underwent another major surgery.
She is hanging on, fighting on, believing, and churning to get better. I asked her about her resolve, her determination, and her tenacious hope to endure, and she said, “Oh, that’s easy, lots of prayer, sprinkled with good attitude.”
I believe as Missy believes that she will overcome. First, I’d like to stress the importance of screening tests, such as blood work at least annually, a stress echocardiogram when it’s proper, and a colonoscopy when it’s recommended. Then, I’d like to address our outlook. A negative mindset is a sure prescription for deterioration while a joyful spirit will translate into a healthy and strong body, mind and soul.
Want to change your situation? I’ll prescribe 2 things: prayer and attitude. With prayer, you can move mountains, and calm your weary soul. You can cast all your cares on God, who loves you and embraces you. You can have peace that surpasses all understanding. This will allow you to have a good attitude, and with a good attitude, you can embrace the day, and stay the course.
But, “What about education, opinions, science, giftedness, skill, appearance, genetics, accomplishments, referrals, networking, IQ, and popularity,” you may ask? If you’ve been observing, you’ll know that we can’t change many things: have you tried to change a particular person, change your past, or change the inevitable? Me too. But there is something you can change, and that’s your focus. Changing your focus will change your attitude. And in so doing, you can change the world!