Walking through the murky waters of 2020 has been heart wrenching, and to many, devastating. Fear has gripped the hearts of so many people and has broken their spirits as we witness the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic mania and the unrest in our cities. Unbeknownst to many, a genocide is transpiring in a land clear across the seas.
7,000 miles away from Los Angeles, the 3 million people of Armenia are facing another genocide. Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) is a land within Azerbaijan (East of Armenia) that has been occupied by Armenians since 189 BC. The Azerbaijanis (10 million people), with the help of Turkey (80 million people), are attempting to ethnically cleanse the Armenians in Artsakh and exterminate them, an atrocity Turkey perpetrated in 1915 by massacring 1.5 million out of 3 million Armenians.

Many children in Artsakh have been displaced and orphaned due to Turkey’s current use of internationally banned weapons. They’re coming to the aid of the aggressor, Azerbaijan, in killing these innocent Armenians who were living in peace. I am in touch with volunteers who are housing the precious orphans. Please join me in supporting these young souls. “For this is pure religion to our Father: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble” (James 1:27). 100% of all monies that you provide will go directly to the orphans. I have placed a new category under “donate” on our website for the “Armenian Genocide 2020.” I pray you will help these beautiful children survive this crisis!
You’ve always been faithful to help, and I want to thank you for your generosity. Because of you the 31 orphans entrusted to the Beacon in Myanmar have meals, clothing, shelter, schooling, access to the infallible Word of God, and now, thanks to your donations, an unlimited supply of clean and refreshing drinking water every day!
I hope we don’t dismiss 2020 altogether. I hope we go beyond ourselves and touch other people’s hearts. I hope we realize there is a God, a Savior, Jesus Christ, who laid His life down for you and me and who loves us no matter who we are and no matter what we’ve done. He patiently awaits with open arms to care for us. Won’t you come? Won’t you lay your burdens down? Won’t you give your weary soul a rest?