Where can you find hope?

In these perilous times of pandemics and pandemonium, one desperately seeks to find hope. But where will we find it? It is not found in the news nor in filthy entertainment. It is found in the Word of God, and oddly enough, it is tucked away in the books written by the weeping prophet, Jeremiah. The Lord spoke to the Israelites through the prophet Jeremiah when they found themselves stripped, broken, destroyed, and exiled to the land of Babylon in 586 BC.

In the loss, in the heartache, in the hopelessness, in the impossibility, in the tragedy, in the misery, God spoke to His children and promised them a future filled with peace and hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The Hebrew word for peace is “shalom,” which means “safety, soundness of body, soundness of mind, tranquility, contentment and a relationship with the Lord.” In Lamentations 3:21-23, we read, “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope; because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

God is faithful, “emuna” in the Hebrew, meaning He is steady, stable and unchanging. These words hold true for us today as they did for the Israelites. We will therefore not be shaken. We will trust our Lord to provide. We will exalt Him for He is worthy. We will follow Him for He is the Way. We will not doubt Him for He is the Truth. We will live and not die, for He is the Life.

He will finish the good work that He started in you. Believe it, breathe it, walk with Him and receive it. It’s a shame that the unsaved have no clue how unsaved they are. What’s worse is that the saved have no clue how saved we are! They have no idea how God longs to lift us up with His righteous right hand.

I love to share the hope found in Christ everywhere I go, whether it’s in my cardiology practice, preaching the gospel or serving the indigent and orphans around the world. If you are seeking to dig deeper and find this hope, my new book, Rev It Up – Verse by Verse, Volumes 1 and 2, will walk you through the book of Revelation and help you realize the hope you have in Christ today and for all eternity. Prophesies regarding America, Russia, China, Israel, Iran and the New World Order are made plain, but more importantly, you will encounter Christ as never before and become overwhelmed with joy and hope. These books are the first in the Rev It Up series and are now available on our website, BeaconOfHearts.org!

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